St. Brigid’s Day

Published on February 2, 2024

St. Brigid’s Day

A resurgence of interest in all aspects of our Celtic heritage is leading many to rediscover – and draw inspiration from – the lives of the early Irish saints. St Brigid, the patroness of Ireland, is emerging as one whose life continues to have relevance and inspiration for us as we try to face the issues that confront our country and our world today.

The feast of St Brigid is a celebration of the wonderful springing back of the earth from its winter sleep. It is the season when we celebrate new beginnings and new life on earth. Brigid, in keeping with her Celtic traditions, was wonderfully attuned to the seasons and cycles of nature. She valued the elements of nature: earth, air, fire and water.

Today, we are becoming more aware of the fragility of our planet but many who are concerned about the environment draw inspiration from the reverence and respect which Brigid had for nature. She is often referred to as the Saint of Agriculture. So as you celebrate your extra bank holiday thanks to St Brigid of Kildare, it is worth remembering that she is a patroness of those who have a care for the earth, for justice and equality, and for peace.

(From an article by Sr.Rita Minehan)