Welcome to our Parish

The doors of our church are open every day and you are welcome. All who are coming here for many years would like you to know we would be delighted if you would join us for Masses or for prayers. It is God’s House and He is present to meet you when you come in. The Parish website has been set up as a means of reaching out to all, not only our parishioners but also our friends and relatives abroad. The website includes Mass Times, Weekly Newsletter and Contact Details.

We hope that the website will be a means for people to become involved in the life of the parish, both our community and parish groups, and a means of accessing information and also regarding participation in the various sacraments of the Church.

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Newsletter: Current Issue


Mass Times

Church of the Holy Name, Beechwood Avenue

Tuesday and Thursday 10:00am
Saturday 5.30pm Family Mass
Sunday 9.30am (Irish)
First Friday 10.00am
Holy Day 10.00am on the Holy Day
Vigil Mass for Holy Days 7pm


Ash Wednesday 5th March

March 3, 2025

There will be Masses at 10.00am and 7.00pm on Ash Wednesday. Ashes will be distributed at both Masses.

Novena of Grace in honour of St. Francis Xavier – 4th to 12th March 2025

March 3, 2025

Francis Xavier was a friend and companion to Ignatius of Loyola and co‑founder of the Society of Jesus. He was one of the first Jesuits to take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Francis’ trust and confidence in a loving God, his willingness to follow God’s call to the ends of the earth, and his…

Peace, not War – Monday 24th February at 8.00pm – Monastery of St. Alphonsus, Drumcondra, Dublin 9

February 21, 2025

Our Lady of Zaryanytsia, Ukraine

Holy Mother of God, spread your maternal mantel over all Christians and people of goodwill who live in this great nation. Lead them to your Son, Jesus, who is for everyone the way, the truth and the life.

St. John Paul II

Monday 24th February at 8.00pm

You are invited…

Accord Collection

February 21, 2025

Thank you to all who contributed to the annual collection for Accord which was taken up at Masses last weekend. A total of €468 was collected.

Thank you for your generosity.


Choral Evensong and Benediction Sunday 23rd February at 6.00pm

February 21, 2025

There will be Choral Evensong and Benediction this Sunday 23rd February at 6.00pm. You are all very welcome to join us.


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