As a parish we are greatly blessed in having talented and committed people involved in the provision of music in the celebration of the Eucharist; Frank O’Donnell, Aisling Lakes, soprano Madelene Grant-Nelson, Julian Vignoles and the Irish Mass choir generously and faithfully contribute to our worship.
The present small electric organ is over 22 years old and needs to be replaced.
I am appealing to you to make a donation towards the cost of the new organ, the total cost of which will be €18,500.
Your donation will be seen as an affirmation of the music ministry in our parish. St Augustine said ‘when we sing, we pray twice’ and many visitors to the parish do comment very favourably on the music quality in our celebrations of the Mass and other services.
You may make your gift in one of several ways
- By cheque made payable to ‘Church of the Holy Name’ (marking ‘organ’ on the back of the cheque
- Using the donate facility on the parish website (
- By cash to the sacristy or the parish office
- By online transfer to the parish bank account – Church of the Holy Name, IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9310 3902 8871 08
I thank you for considering this appeal and I look forward to your support.
May the Lord, the generous giver of all blessings, continue to sustain you.
Fr. Paul Taylor PP