
Week of Church Unity

Thank you to all who braved ‘Storm Isha’ last Sunday to attend our ecumenical service at 3.00pm. It was wonderful to see so many friends and neighbours from neighbouring parishes. Thank you to the Parish Pastoral Council members who provided hospitality afterwards.

Have you heard about ‘Active Travel’?

The Parish Council is engaging in a number of climate actions, both large and small. One such action
will be to promote Active Travel. Within the next few weeks, you will be able to securely park your
bike on our new bike rack. So what, you might ask, has that got to do…

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 18th to January 25th 2024

You are warmly invited to a service on Sunday 21st January at 3pm here in The Church of the Holy Name.  

‘You shall love the Lord your God.. and your neighbour as yourself. (Luke 10:17)


Thank you from Our Lady Immaculate Senior National School, Darndale

Thanks so much for all the effort you put into organising the toys again this year- we were blown away again by all the bits that came in. If you wouldn’t mind passing on our thanks to everyone involved.With the toys that were delivered, I was able to support 18 of our target families this Christmas-…

10 New Year’s Resolutions proposed by Pope Francis

  1. Don’t gossip
  2. Don’t be wasteful with food
  3. Make time for others
  4. Be guided by value rather than price
  5. Meet the poor in the flesh
  6. Do not judge others
  7. Befriend those who disagree with you
  8. Make commitments
  9. Make it a habit to ‘ask the Lord’
  10. Be happy


Christmas Offerings for the support of the clergy

Christmas Offering envelopes are available at the back of the church.

An offering is received with gratitude. All offerings are remitted in full to the Dublin Archdiocese and are used to support Diocesan clergy – those in active ministry and those who are ill or retired. Thank you for your ongoing generous support.

Mass Times in Church of the Holy Name

  • Tuesday and Thursday 10.00am
  • Saturday 5.30pm Family Mass
  • Sunday 9.30am (as Gaeilge), 11.00am
  • Holy Days 10.00am
  • First Friday of each month 10.00am

All our Masses are streamed on the parish webcam. Please use to access Beechwood webcam link.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place on Tuesdays from 10.30am to 11.30am.

Tap and Go Machines

There is a Tap and Go machine at the back of the church to allow you to contribute to the parish. Donations made using this machine remain in the parish.

The other Tap and Go machine at the back of the church is to support the priests of the dio-cese and the Share diocesan services.