
How to grow sunflowers!

At our Do this in Memory of Me Masses last weekend, the children were given sunflower seeds, little pots and instructions on how to grow sunflowers.

We thought it would be nice to share the instructions with you all Instructions for growing sunflowers from seed

Journeying together in Lent – final session Wednesday 13th March at 11.00am

We are pleased to host the final session of our ‘Journey together in Lent’ with our neighbours in Sandford and St. Phillips.

You are very welcome to join us at 11.00am on Wednesday 13th March.

You can view our leaflet here : Lenten reflection 13th March 2024

A prayer for mothers – Sunday 10th March 2024

Lord Jesus, you know well the blessing an earthly home can bring; receive our thanks for all the love we have received in our homes, especially from those who have nurtured us from our earliest years.

Hear our prayers for mothers everywhere, that they may never lose heart nor ever be taken for granted, but…

Screening of ‘The Letter’ Tuesday 26th March 2024 at 7.00pm in the Parish Centre on Mountain View Road

The Parish Pastoral Council invite you to a screening of The Letter in the Parish centre on Mountain View…

International Women’s Day 8th March 2024

When the voices and experiences of women are heard, all of society is truly enriched.

Let us pray together that, through encounter and dialogue, “the genius of woman” may be allowed to flourish in today’s world

Pope Francis—International Women’s Day 2024


Church of the Three Patrons, Rathgar – Community Connect Drive & Drop – Sunday 10th March 10.30am to 12.30pm



SUNDAY MARCH 10TH 10.30AM-12.30PM – Church Car Park at rear of Church of Three Patrons

Help to gather much-needed essential items for pregnant mothers and families with new babies around the country – just pick up a few extra items in…

Saturday 2nd March at 5.30pm – Sung Eucharist with Dublin Consort of Voices

You are very welcome to join us at our 5.30pm Mass this Saturday evening 2nd March with the Dublin Consort of Voices.

Friday 1st March Mass at 10.00am

Mass will be celebrated at 10.00m on Friday 1st March. We will pray for all those whose names are on the Altar List of the Dead.