
Praying with the Scriptures – Mount Argus parish

Praying with the Scriptures

In preparation for the Holy Year which will be celebrated by the whole church in 2025, Pope Francis asked that 2024 be observed as a “Year of Prayer”. To help us appreciate this opportunity to grow in our relationship with God, Fr Anthony O’Leary CP will be offering three…

St. Bernadette Relic Pilgrimage Ireland 2024

St Bernadette—Relic Pilgrimage Ireland 2024 Church of Mary Immaculate, Tyrconnell Rd, Inchicore from 23rd to 25th October

 Wednesday 23rd October

  • 2pm Service of Welcome
  • 3pm the Story of Lourdes (short film)
  • 4-5pm Make the Water Gesture (Grotto)
  • 7pm Blessed Sacrament Procession and Blessing of Sick

Thursday 24th October

  • 12noon Mass of Annointing
  • 4-5pm…

A prayer for the Synod assembly in Rome

We have all been asked to pray for everyone taking part in the Synod assembly in Rome this month.
Holy God,
You have made us all members of the body of Christ, the people of God,
and poured into our hearts the abundant gift of your Spirit.
Today, we pray earnestly…

Praying the Rosary during October – please join us at 4pm each day.

We invite you to join us at 4pm each day in October as we say the Rosary. We pray for peace throughout the world during this time.


Blessing of Pets

As we approach the Feast of St Francis of Assisi, you are invited to join us at the 5.30pm Mass this Saturday or the 9.30am Mass this Sunday with your pet. Fr Paul will bless pets after Mass.

The animals of God’s creation inhabit the skies, the earth, and the sea. They share in the…

Nancy Mulligan RIP

We ask for your prayers for the repose of the soul of the late Nancy Mulligan who died recently.

Nancy’s funeral will take place on Monday 30th September at 10.00am. We offer our sympathy to her bereaved family.

May she rest in peace.

Annual Crosscare Appeal 14th/15th September

Crosscare Collection 14th/15th September  

This weekend, 14th/15th  September, Crosscare will hold its Annual Appeal for those most in need. This will replace the Share collection at all Masses. Crosscare delivers a wide range of homeless, youth, and food poverty support to people at various stages of poverty or marginalisation. Regrettably, the demand for these…

Dates for your diary – September 2024

  • Thursday 19th September at 7.30pm – Information meeting with parents of children preparing for First Holy Communion.
  • Sunday 22nd September at 6.00pm – Vespers and Benediction
  • Monday 23rd September at 7.30pm – Information meeting with parents of children preparing for Confirmation.
  • Saturday 28th September 5.30pm Confirmation Enrolment and Blessing of Pets
  • Sunday 29th September 9.30am Do this In Memory…

Safeguarding Training – Wednesday 11th September from 7.30pm to 9.00pm in St. Charles Centre, Mount Argus Parish

There will be a  Safeguarding Information Session on the 11th September, 7.30pm to 9pm in the Saint Charles Centre in Mount Argus Parish. This is for the parishes of Mount Argus, Beechwood Ave, Harold’s Cross, Rathgar and Rathmines. 

This is for ALL volunteers, staff and clergy who have not attended Vulnerable…

Upskilling and training for Parish Ministry

A number of training sessions have been arranged with a facilitator from the Diocese.

Find out more here : Parish Ministry Training Poster Autumn 2024

We are seeking volunteers for a new Funeral Ministry team. If you would like more information Fr Paul would be pleased to speak with you.