Church Organ replacement appeal – update 29th November 2024

Published on November 29, 2024

The recent appeal for donations towards replacing the old electric organ in the church has been met with a most generous response.
Since the appeal was launched three weeks ago a total of €14,485 of the target of €18,500 has been contributed to date. I am  very grateful to all who have donated so far and I thank you for your extraordinary generosity.

For those who wish to donate you may  do so in one of several ways

  • By cheque made payable to ‘Church of the Holy Name’ (marking ‘organ’ on the back of the cheque
  • Using the donate facility on the parish website (
  • By cash to the sacristy or the parish office
  • By online transfer to the parish bank account – Church of the Holy Name,   IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9310 3902 8871 08     

May the Lord, the generous giver of all blessings, continue to sustain you.

Fr. Paul